Policy and Rule Index -- Index des politiques


If you've been around weightlifting for any length of time, you know that there are a lot of rules, regulations, and policies. A lot of them.

You also know that they change on a fairly regular basis. In fact, they change so often they are difficult to keep up with. We have made the decision not to try to keep up with all of the changes through the website, which takes a lot of time and energy we could be using for other things, but to provide you with a list, and if you have a question, you can contact the WCHM President who will get back to you with the latest and most detailed word on the subject.   

So, If you have a question, please use our contact form and an answer will be provided. 


Policies and Regulations Index 2025.01.25



Incorporation Files



ByLaws and Legal Guidebook for Directors



Anti-doping      (AD)

AD1. Anti-doping Policy

AD2. Doping Control for Internationally Competing Athletes

AD3. Medical Review Application

AD4. Preparing for Antidoping Control at the Canadian Masters Weightlifting

AD5. Championships WCHM.Anti-Doping Protocol

AD6. WCHM International-2023 -Retroactive-TUE-Application



Awards and Records     (AR)

AR1. Allocation of Hall of Fame Points

AR2. Canadian Masters Weightlifting Records and Canadian Weightlifting Competitions.2024.02.14.

AR3. ENFR Coach Award Nomination Form

AR4. Coach Award

AR5. Guardianship of International Masters Weightlifting Trophy

AR6. Lifetime Achievement Award

AR7. Lifetime Achievement Award Panel Selection

AR8. Masters Records Criteria

AR9. Masters Records and Interprovincial Competitions

AR10. Para Weightlifting Records

AR11. President’s Attollo Award

AR12. Qualifications for Records and Competitions Flow Chart

AR13. World Masters Coach Honoraria Fund

AR14. World Masters Coach Honoraria Fund Application



Competition     (CO)

CO1. Coaches Qualifications

CO2. Gender Diversity and Inclusion Policy

CO3. Interprovincial Virtual Masters Open Competitions

CO4. Medical Incident Report Form

CO5. Open Category

CO6. Qualifications to be a Provincial Masters Championships


Governance    (GO)

GO1. Appointment Term Dates

GO2. Board Member Candidate Application Form

GO3. Board Member Candidate Application Form – Executive Position

GO4. Code of Conduct

GO5. Honoraria for Directors and Secretaries

GO6. Job Descriptions

GO7. LTAD Masters Weightlifters

GO8. Past Presidents

GO9. Provincial Masters Committees

GO10. WCHM Official Language Policy

GO11. WCHM Privacy of Information



International Events     (IE)

IE1. Approval from the National Chair

IE2. Athlete Request for Qualifying Competition Substitution

IE3. Pan Am Masters Bidding Procedure

IE4. Qualifying Compettions for International Championships

IE5. Qualifying Meets and Qualifying Totals for Canadian athletes

IE6. Selection of World Masters Teams

IE7. Important Reminders for International Competitors



Para Weightlifting     (PW)

PW1. Attestation of bodyweight for athletes using wheelchairs PW2. Canadian Masters Standards of Eligible Impairments

PW3. Health Care Professional Clearance Form

PW4. Para Weightlifting at the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships

PW5. Position Statement on Provincial and International Para Weightlifting

Contact Official Form (#1)