Report on the IWF Masters Weightlifting Congress of Nations Held on Wed April 26, 2017 in Auckland, NZ

1.Attendance – 19 nations were present

2. Reports

Printouts were given and Bill Barton explained his financial report

Les Simonton was not there, but he is updating the IWF Masters website with WMG WL results,

pretty much daily.


  1. Elections

The following nominees were approved (Australia was opposed … ???)

General Secretary: Bill Barton

Women’s Rep: Caroline Charles

Technical Officer: Jan Hinrichsen


  1. Minutes of 2016 Congress in Heinsheim – approved


  1. Antidoping

In Heinsheim, there were two positives, names, substance(s) and duration of ban are posted on the IWF Masters Website.

Denise Offerman and Bill Barton then discussed at length that there had been no doping tests until Wed at the WMG, and they were not happy about this. They indicated that records set at these games may not be recognized if there were not enough tests conducted. This, of course, led to lengthy discussions, with those nations that had athletes setting records being quite unhappy … Denise encouraged all Nations to submit their results of doping control to IWF Masters (both positive and negative) so that they can expand their data base of test results.

  1. Calendar for future World Masters Championships

Denise Offerman went over the calendar of future events as it is posted on the IWF Masters Website. I reported on 2019 World Masters in Montreal. Everybody seemed happy when I said that there was a lot of support from Quebec WL and from the CON Masters WL Executive, and that the event was definitely going to happen.

Denise frowned when I mentioned that the start date would be earlier (Aug. 15). Maybe you can confirm this with Yves and then let Denise know so that the correct date can be posted? Also, the delegate from Iran was complaining that four of their athletes were denied visa for the WMG (for no apparent reason). Help with getting visa for those countries that need one seems to be very important- not sure what the Montreal organizing committee has lined up for that.

There was a group of representatives for the 2021 WMG in Kansai. They gave a brief presentation about Kansai and the WL venue. I have pamphlets that I will send you.

  1. Bids for 2020 World Masters

No bid was submitted and no one expressed interest at the meeting.

8. Old Business – No old business

9. New Business

There was a proposal for discussion of new Masters tie breaking rules.

With the new IWF tie breaking rules not using BW any more IWF Masters may also want to

change their tie-breaking rules.

There were 3 options presented, the first being to use the current IWF rules.

The second option was to use birth year, and the older lifter would win,

The third was quite intricate and not discussed further.

There was some discussion but the majority felt that using the new IWF rules would be best as it makes for more exciting competitions.

It was voted that for the upcoming year, all IWF Masters Competitions will follow IWF rules for tie-breaking. At the 2018 Congress, a forma vote will be held regarding a final decision to be entered into the IWF Masters rule book.


April 28, 2017

Heidi Schraft