2023 Canadian Masters Championnats canadiens d’haltérophilie maîtres

Some of our Technical Officials

A Weightlifting Championship or a Family Reunion?

As athletes lined up to register at the welcome desk, I observed their amazement at the gifts that were being provided to them. There were weightlifting belts, wrist straps, tee shirts, in addition to the items purchased in advance. The host volunteers were very welcoming and attended to all the questions being asked of them.


The North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre in Midland was the venue, and the host Driven Barbell Club took advantage of the facility to ensure that athletes and officials had all the necessary requirements to meet their needs.  There were 155 athletes (84 women and 71 men) competing at our Nationals, with over 15 athletes already applying for new Canadian Masters Records. Our athletes were focused on their lifting, but always found time to meet and greet each other with open arms. The entire event was like a family reunion, an atmosphere that one does not find at other levels of national championships.


If you check out the Results section of this website, you will find more detailed information about all the athletes and Team results. You can also enjoy the action from the weekend at the WCHM YouTube Channel found on our Event page of our Website.


Congratulations to Team Quebec (First), Team Ontario (Second) and Team British Columbia (third). Grand Masters were Marcel Perron and Isabelle Gauthier (in the photographs).


I encourage our readers to share this exciting weekend on their Facebook page and Instagram accounts and to spread the good news that the Masters Weightlifting movement continues to attract more members each year. The members of the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Community (WCHM) are also actively involved in the Canadian Weightlifting community (Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie, WCH) as Technical Officials, Coaches, and Provincial Board members.