
2024 IMWA World Masters Results

Calgary to host 2025 Canadian Weightlifting Championships

press release

Alberta Weightlifting Association and Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters

Announce Calgary as Host City for 2025 Canadian Masters Nationals


Calgary, Alberta — The Alberta Weightlifting Association (AWA) and Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters

(WCHM) are delighted to announce that AWA has been selected as the host organization for WCHM’s 2025 Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships, which will take place on June 27 to 29, 2025 at the Genesis Centre in Calgary, Alberta.


"I am pleased to announce that AWA will be hosting the 2025 Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships,” commented Mark Gomes, President of WCHM. “This marks a historic first for a provincial weightlifting organization to host these Championships. The Alberta Weightlifting Association is to be congratulated for taking this bold step in inter-weightlifting organizational collaboration."


AWA’s bid proposal was in partnership with Tourism Calgary and is anticipated to bring over 350 masters athletes, coaches, technical officials and volunteers from across Canada. “Canadian Masters Nationals have typically been in mid-July for us, but when AWA proposed an earlier timing that leads into Calgary Stampede, one of Canada’s most iconic events plus the proximity to the Canadian Rockies, we were very excited about this,” continues Gomes. “Our masters athletes often coincide vacation planning with their competitions and when our national championship hasn’t been out west in eight years, the timing is perfect to kick-off the summer and is a great opportunity for athletes to stay and vacation after.” Calgary Stampede in 2025 will be July 4 through 13.


“We’re thrilled that Calgary has been selected to host this prestigious event,” said Carson Ackroyd, Senior Vice President of Sales with Tourism Calgary. “We look forward to welcoming participants during a time of year when our community spirit and warm western hospitality are on full display leading into the Calgary Stampede. There is no better time of year to experience the vibrancy and activity in Calgary and we look forward to hosting everyone.” The Canadian Weightlifting Masters Championship is the premier annual event for Canadian master weightlifters ages 30 to 99 years old. This competition represents the pinnacle of achievement in our sport at the national level for masters weightlifters, many of whom go on to compete at Pan-AM Masters Championship, World Masters Championships or World Masters Games.


“Weightlifting is one of the oldest sports, with a rich history dating back to ancient times having been part of the Olympic movement since the first modern Games in 1896,” remarked Alana Yim, President of the Alberta Weightlifting Association. “We’re excited to bring our communities together to share our passion for weightlifting with more Albertans and Canadians and promote health and wellness whether you’re nine years old or 99 years old. It’s truly a sport for all ages and abilities.”


Olympic weightlifting is a dynamic and highly skilled sport that involves two main lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk. Athletes lift a weighted barbell from the ground to overhead in a series of powerful and precise movements, showcasing strength, speed, and technique. Recognized for its emphasis on explosive power and athleticism, Olympic weightlifting is not only a competitive sport but also a popular training method for enhancing overall fitness and athletic performance.


Alberta Weightlifting Association and Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters

Announce Calgary as Host City for 2025 Canadian Masters Nationals



About Alberta Weightlifting Association

Established in 1958 and incorporated in 1974, Alberta Weightlifting Association is the governing body for the sport of Olympic weightlifting in Alberta. AWA promotes safe sport, fair play, and dope-free principles and provides a range of services to its members, including hosting competitions, development and certification pathways for coaches and technical officials, and athlete development programs. AWA is federated under the national sports organization (NSO) Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie and adheres to the rules of the International Weightlifting Federation. AWA is a not-for-profit organization that operates under an all-volunteer Executive elected by AWA members.


About Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters  

Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters  (WCHM) is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit, Canadian sports organization dedicated to the promotion and development of Masters Olympic weightlifting across Canada, and is affiliated with the International Masters Weightlifting Association (IMWA). WCHM fosters a spirit of equity and fair play while encouraging a lifelong commitment to fitness and health. WCHM organizes national competitions and events, provides resources and support for athletes, coaches, and officials, and collaborates with provincial associations to enhance the weightlifting community. WCHM is committed to creating an inclusive environment that welcomes athletes of all ages and skill levels including adaptive athletes competing as para weightlifters.


Tourism Calgary

Tourism Calgary is the official destination management organization for Calgary's tourism industry. For more than 60 years, the organization’s primary purpose has been to promote Calgary and area as the destination of choice. With a vision of making Calgary the ultimate host city, Tourism Calgary markets the city locally, nationally, and internationally and advocates for its ongoing development as a destination. The organization hosts and attracts visitors, conventions, and events, and activates the city by fostering the growth of shareable, memorable experiences. In 2023, Calgary saw an estimated 8.4 million visitors and a resulting visitor spend of $2.9 billion.


For more information, please contact:

Alana Yim


Alberta Weightlifting Association


Mark Gomes


Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters Federation



2023 World Masters Championships Results

2023 Canadian Masters – President’s Welcome / Mot de bienvenue du président


A Welcome from the President of Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters Mark Gomes

On behalf of Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters, I welcome competitors, coaches, officials, volunteers, family members, friends and spectators who are joining us for this historic event in beautiful Midland, Ontario. This is our twenty-eight Masters National Championships. Joining me today to welcome you is Karine Brouillard, President of la Federation Haltérophilie du Québec. I am fortunate to have this President by my side to provide my welcome in the French language.


Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters recognizes that the location of our National Championships is on land which is the traditional and Treaty territory of the Anishinabek people, now known as the Chippewa Tri-Council comprised of Beausoleil First Nation, Rama First Nation, and the Georgina Island First Nation.


We are the first Masters weightlifting organization in the world to categorize itself as a separate national sports organization. We have successfully advocated and supported Canadian Masters Weightlifting at the National and International level since 1996. Our success is directly related to our strong organizational team, the commitment of our dedicated members and the support of every Provincial Weightlifting Association. We are officially recognized by the International Masters Weightlifting Association as Canada’s only sports organization representing masters weightlifters.


Driven Barbell Club organizing committee, under the leadership of Joanne Jeffrey and Alison Blackhurst has done an excellent job preparing this year’s Championships. The Ontario Weightlifting Association team, spearheaded by President Michael Miller, Vice President Linda Rosario-Earnshaw, and Competition Director, Dimitrije Mancic are commended for their undaunting support of the Masters weightlifting movement in Ontario and for all their hard work this weekend. I would also like to thank the town of Midland for allowing us to use this excellent sports facility, to RockTape for their generous donation of athlete knee sleeves, BMR Elmvale for platform building materials, Kelly Donaldson for the logo design and signage and Brenda Gyarmati for weightlifting belts.


I know how focused you will be on your session of this competition, but I invite you to visit and explore the sites in and around the town of Midland; such as Saint-Marie among the Hurons, Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, the Midland Murals, the Huronia Museum and Ouendat Village, Midland Harbour and the Georgian Spirit Cruises just to name a few. I hope you will enjoy this weekend, whether at the Competition, exploring Midland or touring around Simcoe County.


Good luck and I wish you all personal bests at this year’s Championships.

2023 Canadian Masters Championnats canadiens d’haltérophilie maîtres

Some of our Technical Officials

A Weightlifting Championship or a Family Reunion?

As athletes lined up to register at the welcome desk, I observed their amazement at the gifts that were being provided to them. There were weightlifting belts, wrist straps, tee shirts, in addition to the items purchased in advance. The host volunteers were very welcoming and attended to all the questions being asked of them.


The North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre in Midland was the venue, and the host Driven Barbell Club took advantage of the facility to ensure that athletes and officials had all the necessary requirements to meet their needs.  There were 155 athletes (84 women and 71 men) competing at our Nationals, with over 15 athletes already applying for new Canadian Masters Records. Our athletes were focused on their lifting, but always found time to meet and greet each other with open arms. The entire event was like a family reunion, an atmosphere that one does not find at other levels of national championships.


If you check out the Results section of this website, you will find more detailed information about all the athletes and Team results. You can also enjoy the action from the weekend at the WCHM YouTube Channel found on our Event page of our Website.


Congratulations to Team Quebec (First), Team Ontario (Second) and Team British Columbia (third). Grand Masters were Marcel Perron and Isabelle Gauthier (in the photographs).


I encourage our readers to share this exciting weekend on their Facebook page and Instagram accounts and to spread the good news that the Masters Weightlifting movement continues to attract more members each year. The members of the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Community (WCHM) are also actively involved in the Canadian Weightlifting community (Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie, WCH) as Technical Officials, Coaches, and Provincial Board members.

President announces 2022 ATTOLO Awards




The Attollo Award is achieved when a member of the Canadian Masters (WCHM) either gets a Gold at least three required competitions (Gold Award) or has participated in at least three of the same required competitions (Participation Award). The required competitions are the athlete’s Provincial Masters, Canadian Masters, Pan American Masters or World Masters Championships. Members are required to contact the President to ensure that they are included.


Accomplishing this achievement in our sport of Masters Weightlifting does not come easy. It requires great fitness, determination, dedication, and of course, considerable personal expenses.

Congratulations to Gold Award Recipient, Isabelle Gauthier.


Congratulations to Participation Award Recipients: Danielle Holdsworth, Frances Robson and Richelle Foster.

2022 Attollo Gold Award.Isabelle Gauthier

WCHM Members return victorious


Team Canada – WCHM Members return victorious from the 2023 Pan American Masters Championships


Despite the controversies in the USA Weightlifting World, the American host (USA Masters Weightlifting) continues to produce Championships which are very impressive to our Canadian athletes. This year our teams did well competing against their formidable American counterparts. Each Canadian Team had a mixture of experienced international masters athletes and first time competitors. Our WCHM members are very proud of each and every one of our athletes. Although they are all deserving of our attention, in this brief congratulatory article, allow me to highlight one of our Team members.


Isabelle Gauthier joined the Canadian Masters in 2017. She impressed us all with her Gold medal winnings at the 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022 World Masters Championships. She also won Gold at the 2019, and this year’s Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships. As President, I designated Isabelle Gautheir and Mario Boucher as Guardians of their Teams’ second place Awards. Isabelle is from Montréal, trains out of Force Vive Weightlifting Club and is Coached by Evgueni Romanov. I know he is as proud of Isabelle as we are. Mario is from Beloeil, Québec and trains out of La Machine Rouge. Isabelle’s Team Canada included Cybèle Lanthier (QC), Manon Poulin (QC), Caroline Darveau (QC), Sylvie Guénette (ON), Jeanette Perry (BC), Gabrielle Schmidt (QC), Jil Reid (SK), Saret Wijaya (ON) and Judy Quinn (ON). Isabelle broke records in all the Olympic lifts. Her records are : Snatch 64 kg, Clean and Jerk 86 kg and Total 150 kg. The current records were 50/58/107.


Mario Boucher’s Team Canada included Guillaume Arcand (QC), Tin Ly (QC), Michel Piétracupa (QC), Craig Astle (SK), Ahmed Alterkait (SK), Kevin Wood (NB), Tim McAuliffe (ON), and James Pineault (ON). In these photos you will see Sylvie Guénette and Tim McAuliffe, another dedicated weightlifting couple proudly displaying their medals. Sylvie was coached by Manon Poulin, who stepped in and coached several Canadian athletes. Manon, along with Judy Quinn have been World Masters Participants for decades. And of course, a picture of Isabelle Gauthier with the two Canadian Team Awards.


At the time of this article, other records were also broken. Craig Astle (SK) 98 kg Snatch; Gabrielle Schmidt (QC) Clean and Jerk 101 kg and total of 178 kg; Sylvie Guénette (ON) Snatch 51 kg; and Judy Quinn (ON) Snatch 29 kg, Clean and Jerk 37 kg and Total of 66 kg, all new World Records. Many of these athletes are now preparing for the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships, being held in Midland, Ontario from July 14 to 16. Some of these athletes are planning to compete in Warsaw, Poland at the 2023 World Masters Weightlifting Championships


Tim and Sylvie with medals
Tim and Sylvie with medals
Sylvie and Coach Manon Poulin
Sylvie and Coach Manon Poulin
Gabrielle Schmidt receives her Gold Medal (1)
Gabrielle Schmidt receives her Gold Medal (1)
Isabelle displays the Team Awards
Isabelle displays the Team Awards

2023 Pan American Masters Championships

WCHM Athletes are ready for the Pan Am Masters / Les athlètes de la WCHM sont prêts pour les Maîtres panaméricains


WCHM athletes are ready for the Pan Am Masters

The 2023 Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships will be held in Orlando, USA, from May 24  - 28.  There are 27 athletes representing the Canadian Masters (WCHM); fifteen men and eleven women.  Our group is composed of some well experienced international masters athletes, such as Isabelle Gauthier, Sylvie Guénette, Manon Poulin, Judy Quinn, Michel Pietracupa, Martin Walt and Mario Boucher, just to name a few.


Our athletes have been training very hard for the Pan American Championships and many will also be competing at the Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships, July 14 – 16 in Midland, Ontario.


On behalf of their family at Weightlifting Canada Haltérophilie Masters, we wish them great success, an enjoyable time and a safe journey. When the championship has concluded, I will post their great accomplishments on this website’s results page.

Sylvie with Coach Alex Fera
2023 Pan American Masters Canadian Team@0.5x
Tin Ly.2023 Quebec Provincials

2023 Masters World Cup – Canadian Results

2023 Masters World Cup - Canadian Results