Jeremy Martin 2

Coach of the Year 2022 prix des entraîneurs canadiens

Jeremy Martin 1


Jeremy Martin is an NCCP Level 1 coach who has coached about 10 Masters, many who are members of our Federation. Jeremy is the Coach at Loaded Athletics, in British Columbia.


Jeremy has a master degree in Kinesiology from UBC, and he is a certified coach with the NSCA CSCS.  As a lifelong competitive athlete, he brings experience in provincial level powerlifting, strongman and national level weightlifting.


His combination of high-level education, self- directed learning, personal athletic experience and natural intuition for human movement and performance has taken two of his athletes from beginners to the highest level of competition in masters.  Cathy Hambly and Janella David have both set records and earned medals in their respective weight classes and age groups at the provincial, national and world level.


His athletes say that what sets him apart from other coaches is his personal investment in their journey as athletes.  Jeremy is deeply involved in every aspect of their training, and takes an interest in them as individuals.  From programming, training, nutrition and recovery, to their lives outside of lifting, he is supportive and always available.  Jeremy has been noted to have the natural ability to make each of his athletes feel fully understood and as a result, is a huge part of the success they have all achieved.


At competitions, as all excellent coaches do, he looks after all of the details and removes any potential stress or distractions.  His athletes have voiced Jeremy’s exceptional skill at counting attempts, and timing of their lifts for their attempts on the competition.