Hosts for 2021, 2022, and 2023 Canadian Nationals Announced
Annonce des hôtes pour les championnats nationaux canadiens 2021, 2022 et 2023
I am delighted to announce that the Board and its Advisory Committee have approved the hosts for the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships. We have decided to honour the bid from the Dakota Weightlifting Club and the Manitoba Weightlifting Association as the host for 2021, seeing that the pandemic resulted in the cancellation of the 2020 Championships in Winnipeg.
Masters Weightlifting continues to grow in the Atlantic Region, with the valued work of our Atlantic Representative, Greg Doucette, and the NBWA. In support of that growth, our Board and its Advisory Committee have approved The Colosseo Weightlifting Performance Association, in collaboration with the New Brunswick Weightlifting Association as the host for the 2022 Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships.
We have also approved the North Bay Norsemen and Valkyries to host the 2023 Canadian Masters Weightlifting Championships. Masters Weightlifting is also seeing an expansion in Northern Ontario. We are excited to see Coach Larry Sheppard and the Ontario Weightlifting Association step forward to support Masters Weightlifting.
We are very fortunate to have all three championships situated in beautiful and accessible Canadian cities (Winnipeg, Moncton and North Bay) and organized by three very respected members of their Provincial Weightlifting Associations (Craig Gilbert, Greg Doucette and Larry Sheppard).
The Canadian Masters Weightlifting Federation is very pleased to be working with the CWFHC Affiliates, the Manitoba Weightlifting Association, the New Brunswick Weightlifting Association, the Ontario Weightlifting Association and their registered clubs, in providing the opportunity for Masters Weightlifters throughout this country to showcase their Weightlifting accomplishments.
Details of these competitions will be provided on this website at the appropriate times.